Here we go,
It is said that kids have a strong observation power... Luckily I had a chance to visibly realise it through my sister. Appo, She was hardly 2 and Her observation skills took a step ahead and she had started enacting whatever was seen. For instance, After visiting a doctor she would arrange the table the way the doctors table was arranged and she will scribble something on a piece of paper assuming it to be some valid prescriptions. On visiting a clothing center she used to stand up on the chair, yell some random name and throw a pile of clothes(வீடு முழுக்க துணி எரஞ்சதால அவ திட்டு வாங்கினத பத்தி இங்க சொல்லமாட்டேன் :)) replicating the business carried out in the local clothing center.
Off late, I happened to hear a hilarious, strange childhood myth of one of my friend. He had spent a part of his childhood days in Ambala it seems. There happened to be a bird namely "Lapwing" which lays the eggs on the ground after setting it up with some stones and dried stuffs instead of having it in a tree. There was a strange belief that, if the stone lying beneath the birds nest was dropped in a river, All the stones except for one will be drowned. The floating stone should be rubbed and if the extract is applied on a person's forehead, He/She will become invisible!!! Interesting. To my surprise, he believed it so much that, While on a visit to a nearby forest(பெரிய ஹண்டர்ஸ்னு நெனப்பு மனசுல) along with his crew members(ஊருல உள்ள பொடுசுங்க தான்) and brave dog "Leela"(worth mentioning) accidentally found this bird's nest. விடுவாரா என்ன?? நம்ம ஹீரோ!!! He somehow with the help of relatively brave kids got the stones. இவரோட தேடல் இன்னும் முடியல, He after taking those stones was crazy searching for the river but didn find one. அப்ப கூட நம்ம ஹீரோ மனம் தலரல. He had secured those stones in his box. One fine day, Their family got shifted to Trichy. He was lucky enough to have the river very near to his home. And guess what??? His first action is to become invisible. So with lot of anticipation he rushed to the river and shed all the stones and completely disappointed to see all the stones drowning deep into the river.
இதுக்கெல்லாம் நான் மட்டும் கொரஞ்சவளா என்ன?? I was waiting for the sun during night time to come and dry my writing slate after it was wiped with a damp cloth. நம்ம அலம்பல் எப்பிடி??
In spite of the craziness, silliness, etc., innocence at childhood is so precious, beautiful in its own way.
Come on makkals, let me hear some interesting வாலுத்தனம் of yours.
Who was that GENIUS who wanted to become invisible?
If he was a genius, He would'nt have wished for it :)
Nice post though
I think you would have done better things..
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