Unlike any other day, she found that the city bus was literally struggling to creep down the city streets buzzing with traffic. After travelling for few miles she managed to get a window seat and started relaxing. As the bus started moving away from city she can feel the breeze and started thinking about how bad was her day at office and all that.
Her thought was suddenly disturbed by a sight at the road side. She saw a woman equivalent in her age digging the ground for some constructional purpose. On seeing this, she very strongly felt that her work is not as hard as what she saw. She felt quite relieved and pride of her achievements and her social status. She has always been a bright student all through her life and got a pretty descent job which she intended for. Till now she has been performing her duties so much religiously that she is playing so much roles like an affectionate wife, caring mom of two kids, responsible employee, patriotic citizen ,etc., with utmost perfection. She felt like patting her own shoulders for all these.
Just then she heard a baby crying, and lady working on the road side rushed to a nearby tree in which the baby lied in a cradle made of an old cotton cloth and lifted the tender skinned baby, patted it gently and made it to sleep again. Lady in the bus now was now like 'Come on man, work and family at the same place'. She found it was an amazing idea and felt guilty of not able to take care of her kids when she was away for work and felt the lady working on the roadside was more fortunate than she herself.
Now and then, At times, human mind seeks more than wat is in hand..
I feel the same race for getting more/having more/wanting more in my mind too..
Greedy me :)
This applies to all working ppl - be it women or men.... There is a notion that white color jobs bring in loads of fun n happiness with money being dumped, forgetting the very essence of living.
None to be blamed, except the meaningless desires each one of us hold. N Im being no exception - society pushes every individual to seek for something beyond their reach all the time.
Gud piece of information aapicer ;)
I disagree! :-)
I don think theres is anything to disagree... This post just brings about a wave of thought which a person feels in a short span time looking at an incident.
Ya it applies to all gender(நமக்கு ஏன் பா வம்பு ;)) for the ease of writing i chose it to b 'She'(y not he??னு கேக்கபடாது )... Thanks aapicer for expressing ur views here... :)
Its not like the greediness, it shows tat u always aim for better things... tats gud :)
We can learn some useful things from others whom do we think carrying more responsibilities than us.... the best way is, being satisfied with watever we are having now... :)
s, lack of satisfaction is quite common and difficult to get rid of...
First of all my apologies for this late comment :(
I first thought you were writing about u he he until i studied the second part of the story
ada da da enna adjectives and adverbs
bright student
pretty descent job
responsible employee
patriotic citizen
pride of her achievements
creep down the city streets
streets buzzing with traffic
hmmm super :)
About the post.. I think the lead character didnt want to go dig the road so that she can take care of her child and work but she was thinking if she can too bring her child to her office..
People can still bring about some special features to manage family and work together... i mean like some kind of quatress he he
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